To idolic struggles of Millenials

March 24, 2023

They say it takes courage to walk on unbeaten path, many of us in todays generation jumped at doing something different some out of habit some out of curiosity but soon enough we were at those twist and turns which made us think of that statement ” it takes courage to walk on unbeaten path”.

Right there hold that thought, while we all think we are revolutionaries and walking on unbeaten path, flaunting our courage to lead unique life; take a deep breath and turn around see a literal breakdown of what we are doing goes as below,

A. Feeding our passions, beliefs.

B. Making money to meet our needs.

C. Scrambling to meet societal norms or scrambling to fight them- many aspects of them.

D. Try to hold onto our individual concepts of relationships.

In this order or other..

Now think, are we doing something in generic sense which our previous generation didn’t, probably not. However in actuals what we are doing is something which was never done in detailed sense and hence we are courageous in our own way, inspired yet clueless.

This breaks the traditional concept of idols in some way, cause in one era of time i suppose, there were people who could lead us on path, all these leaders are now life coaches telling us generic life lessons which we struggle to fit as is in our lives. Don’t mistake what am saying here but I respect, teachers, guides, all those random people on street which unknowingly spread the cues essential for life but what you make of it is your individual reciepe for better and for worse.

Also for same reason you need to surround yourself with people who feed to soul, intellect, passion and needs to reach the wholistic aim of this human life and use the scattered thoughts, feedback to make your own life.

I started to write this thinking, I need someone to hold my hand and tell me how to walk this walk but more I look around, I see how much unique life case yet generically most common life n problem statement I am working through.

Life can be simple or complex as you make it, so breath in breath out and bring in your pioneering soul and common person hat and walk through life for good, bad or ugly..

You’ve got it better than anyone you know can. That’s the courage part I opened with 😉


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